Minimum Agency Height Requirements for Models


While some girls and guys dream of being a fashion model from the very first time they pick up a fashion magazine or see America’s Next Top Model, the harsh reality is that this is an occupation and, and like any job, there are VERY SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. Unfortunately, unlike a lawyer or even a actor, some of the requirements cannot be learned, purchased, or faked. I’m not writing this to be negative or to break hopes and dreams. Agency Requirements are driven by clients who book fashion models. These requirements are not completely based on customers being more likely to buy clothing from models who fit a certain size range or look. Models have to fit into the sample sizes from the client.

Here are the Minimum Requirements Height requirements for submission to modeling agencies:

FOR GIRLS: 5’9 to 6’ ft.

FOR BOYS: 6’ to 6’3 ft.

This is the most likely the most frustrating requirement for most aspiring models to deal with because you can’t change your height. Working in this industry for over 10 years, I would suggest if you have a face of an angel and an amazing look. You should look in to acting. If you are dedicated and get the proper training…you could have an amazing career and make some really good money. Best of luck on your journey!

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