4 Must-Know Tips for Shooting Your First Fall Wedding


The State Fair of Texas is in town, the weather is (kind of) getting cooler, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes are in full effect at Starbucks – it must be fall in Dallas, Texas. Not only can you count on Halloween planning to be happening at a bar near you, you can bet there are brides to be across Dallas frantically planning the final details of their upcoming wedding. As a wedding and commercial photographer in Dallas, I’ve had more than my fair share of successes and mess-ups at weddings, so I’m sharing my 4 must-know tips for shooting your first fall wedding!

Know your gear and come prepared
This should go without saying, but it’s important to mention. My 12 years as a Dallas headshot and commercial photographer have taught me that you should know every setting, every ISO adjustment, and every trick for your camera – whether it’s Nikon or Canon. Understand all the camera settings for each lens, work out all the options available on your speed light, and you’re good to go.

Scout your locations!
It is vital to the success of your wedding photography shoot in Dallas that you go to the location prior to the big day and study the lighting. Know every shadow possibility, know where to set up your flashes, and be prepared for any last-minute issues that may present themselves. Don’t wing it and show up thinking that you’ve got this.

Write a shot list!
Again, this may sound like common sense but it’s extremely effective in ensuring success. Create a shot list for the exact frames your couple must have in their wedding photography catalogue. Get specific, name the exact people needed in the frame, and determine how and when you’ll get everyone ready for the shot. Timing means a quick and painless shoot.

Assist someone else immediately
You should have been doing this already. Like yesterday. Assist an experienced photographer whose been doing this for a few years. Study their every move, ask tons of questions, make note of what they do and why they’re doing it, and be sure to write down every piece of equipment they use.

If you’re looking for a headshot, commercial, or wedding photographer, contact me today and we’ll get you booked!


3 Responses to “4 Must-Know Tips for Shooting Your First Fall Wedding”

  1. Carlos

    Good pointers. Fall weddings are the best. Beau has many years of experience in this field. Book now!

  2. Michael Moran

    Great tips for young photographers everywhere. Shot lists in particular make things flow much more smoothly. Oh and don’t forget to take photos of the make up and hair being done!


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