Posts Categorized: Portraits

Photography as a Branding Tool: Leveraging Portraits for Success

Portrait of a man in a business suit

In today’s digital world, where first impressions are often made online, personal and corporate branding has become paramount. One of the most effective ways to establish a strong and memorable presence is through professional portraits. The Business Benefits of Professional Portraits: Building a Strong Online Presence In an era where digital footprints are as influential… Read more »

Capturing Leadership: Elevating Executive Portraits

Executive portraits for branding and business

In the world of corporate photography, executive portraits hold a unique significance. These portraits are more than just photographs; they are visual representations of leadership, authority, and professionalism. Crafting executive portraits that capture these qualities requires a careful blend of artistic vision, technical prowess, and an understanding of personal branding. Crafting Executive Portraits that Reflect… Read more »

AI Generated Photography is Here, But It’s Not Real Photography

Portrait of a man in a business suit

As artificial intelligence makes its presence known these days, there has been plenty of talk around the photography world about how this will affect art moving forward. It can be a delicate subject because there are many mixed feelings on the matter. For one thing, we know that ai photography isn’t REAL, even though it… Read more »

The Importance of Having Your Photos Taken

Executive portrait done by Beau Bumpas Photography

With social media and smart phones controlling our daily lives, we take for granted photographs and their meaning in our lives. Having portraits or photographs taken of yourself, your family, or your business doesn’t seem so important to us anymore. Why is that? A big reason may be that we have access to a camera… Read more »

Why the Fall Season is Perfect for Getting Your Portraits Done

Business Portrait of a Woman

There are plenty of reasons why the Fall season is one of the most photogenic seasons in the year. Many parts of the country have beautiful fall seasons, and believe it or not, Texas has some beautiful scenery to offer during this season. Portrait photography and model photography can be extremely beneficial to get done… Read more »

The Benefits of Executive Headshots for Small Businesses

Promoting your company with executive headshots

Owning a small business comes with great responsibility. One of the most important aspects is marketing and branding. As someone who is always looking to get their name out there, it’s important that your image is professional and attractive. Bringing brand awareness to your audience and potential customers can be tricky, but there are simple… Read more »

Getting Your Portrait Done this Summer? Here are Some Tips

Business Headshots for Your Career

Getting your portrait photos done in the summer can be tricky, especially here in Texas. The temperature can get into the 90’s, which for some, can be uncomfortable. Having the ability to use the elements of sunsets, sunrises, and golden hours for your portrait setting is very encouraging, but you’ll have to prepare for the… Read more »

How Often Should You Get Your Portraits Taken?

Woman executive portrats

Portrait Photography has been around for many years, and it has been used by professional photographers in several different ways. Portrait photography is the act of taking one’s photo in a specific setting and in a specific pose. Unlike candid photography, portrait photography is staged in a particular setting to portray the subject in a… Read more »

The Perfect Setting & Backdrop for Your Portraits

There really is no perfect setting and atmosphere to choose where you portraits will be done. Fortunately, the professional photographer your hire will have the best knowledge on where and when to shoot, but they will also be able to work with you in order to get the most comfortable setting picked for you. At… Read more »