Posts Categorized: Headshots

A Sassy Shoot with Steve Kemble!

As a headshot photographer in Dallas, I get a wide array of clients. Everyone from Real Housewives to commercial shoots to recent law graduates have come by for executive portraits and large scale headshot sessions just this year. So when I got a call from my dear friend Steve Kemble to photograph him for his… Read more »

Headshot Tips For Actors

An acting career is challenging, no matter how you look at it; and there are certain tips and techniques that aspiring actors should know, to make the road to success a bit smoother. Too many actors fail in the area of having a professional looking portfolio. They rely on basic family photos and selfies to… Read more »

What NOT to Do With Your Headshot or LinkedIn Profile

Whether its getting your picture taken professionally or just choosing a picture for your LinkedIn, there are a lot of ways that a picture could go wrong and give potential employers the wrong idea. Here are some ways that your epic-headshots can turn into an epic-failure: Blurry Pictures: No matter what the situation, it just… Read more »

Getting the Perfect Headshot

Not only actors and models require headshots. Corporate executives are using them to put a face to their companies or their brands.  So capturing the perfect image, one which really represents who the person is, is the goal of every headshot photographer. Consider doing a little research before you choose a photographer who specializes in doing… Read more »